A positive attitude that moves us forward
This job has given me more than I hoped. The debt collecting is challenging, diverse and invigorating! This job has surprised me in many ways, and it is wonderful to be able to celebrate the successes together with our great working community.

I decided to apply because it felt right
I’ve worked at Axactor since February 2018. I originally applied to Axactor for a job as a Collection Agent. I applied because I had a strong feeling that I would be great for the job. Before coming to Axactor, I worked at public-safety answering point (PSAP), and I wondered if the job in debt collecting would ever be able to challenge me in a way that my previous job did. I still decided to apply – because it felt right.
“It is extremely important to me that my team is feeling good and through that has the best starting point to succeed.”
Minna, Team Leader at Axactor in Finland
Our different background is our strengths
Now I’m able to tell you that this job has given me more than I hoped. The debt collecting is challenging, diverse and invigorating! This job has surprised me in many ways, and it is wonderful to be able to celebrate the successes together with our great working community. In my current position as a Team Leader, I want to enhance the feeling of working together, having positive vibes and working hard to achieve common goals. It is extremely important to me that my team is feeling good and through that has the best starting point to succeed. We come from very different backgrounds but that is our strength. Succeeding is always a question of attitude!
Outdoors, family and sauna
In my free time, I spend as much time outdoors as possible. I like to roam around the garden or spend time expediting with my family. At this moment I dream of having our own yard sauna and starting my dear hobby of horse riding again after many years.