30 November 2016, 16:30 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

AXA - Change in number of shares and votes

As already informed, Axactor AB (publ) (Oslo Børs: AXA) has

conducted an issue of new shares. Following the share issue,

the total number of issued shares and votes in the company

are 1,176,488,769.

This announcement follows statutory information requirements

for Swedish public companies at end of the month during which

the registered number of issued shares or votes has changed,

in accordance with Section 9 Chapter 4 of the Swedish

Financial Instruments Trading Act (Sw. Lag (1991:980 om

handel med finansiella instrument).

For further information, please contact:

Geir Johansen

Chief Financial Officer

Mail: geir.johansen@axactor.com

Cell Phone: +47 477 10 451