23 December 2016, 12:47 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Axactor acquires small unsecured portfolio from Caja Rural del Sur in Spain.

Axactor has acquired another

unsecured NPL portfolio generated by Caja Rural del Sur. The

portfolio includes unsecured loans with a total Outstanding

Balance (OB) of approximately EUR 55 million, across 2.000


The portfolio transaction although small provides clear

evidence of Axactor's ability to develop relationships with

clients who have not actively sold in the past.

"The Spanish team are pleased to close another Prime

transaction in 2016 and are looking forward to close more

opportunities in 2017", says Andres Lopez (Head of capital


"The local team have demonstrated their strong focus on

developing our product offering in Spain across a wider

audience and we expect this to be one of many transactions

over the next few years", says Robin Knowles, Axactor EVP


The investment will be financed by Axactor's available cash

and our existing credit facilities.

For further information, please contact:

Endre Rangnes

Chief Executive Officer

Mail: endre.rangnes@axactor.com

Tel: +46 8 402 28 00

Cell Phone: +47 48 22 11 11

Geir Johansen

Chief Financial Officer

Mail: geir.johansen@axactor.com

Cell Phone: +47 477 10 451


Axactor is addressing a large non-performing loan (NPL)

market in Europe. The market is estimated to around EUR 1.5

trillion and with a solid growth rate. The main growth

factors are partly driven by regulatory changes, sales

of non-performing loans and an accelerating trend of

outsourcing debt collection to specialized companies.

Furthermore, we see a consolidation trend in the debt

collection/debt purchase industry. Axactor's main focus in

the credit management value chain will be: amicable and legal

collection, surveillance and acquisition of NPLs.

Axactor was established in 2015 and has approximately 900
