21 February 2022, 11:37 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Axactor SE: Extraordinary General Meeting
Today, Axactor SE held an extraordinary general meeting, as notified 28 January 2022 through a stock exchange notice. The extraordinary general meeting approved the proposal from the Nomination Committee, to appoint Kristian Melhuus as Chair of the Board of Directors. After the general meeting the board has the following composition: Kristian Melhuus as chair, and Brita Eilertsen, Merete Haugli, Lars Erich Nilsen, Kathrine Astrup Fredriksen, Terje Mjøs and Hans Harén as board members.
The minutes from the meeting are enclosed and available at the company’s website.
For additional information, please contact:
Kyrre Svae, Chief of Strategy & IR, Axactor
Tel: +47 478 39 405, e-mail: kyrre.svae@axactor.com