Corporate governance
The objective of Axactor is to create and perform sound, sustainable, responsible and competitive business – creating long-term value and returns for our stakeholders. To effectively achieve such objectives and to have a well-run business, we believe that effective corporate governance is indispensable.
Annual general meeting 2024
Axactor’s annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.

Corporate governance
The objective of Axactor is to create and perform sound, sustainable, responsible and competitive business – creating lo ...

General meetings
The decision-making rights of Axactor's shareholders are exercised at general meetings of shareholders.

Nomination Committee
The annual general meeting is the main governing body and has appointed a nomination committee to propose members of the ...

Group executive management
Axactor's executive management, consisting of six members with varied backgrounds and experience, is committed to develo ...

Code of conduct
The purpose of our code of conduct is to summarise the Axactor standards of behaviour in all types of activities, everyw ...

Policy documents
Our policies guide and govern how we conduct our business and engage with our stakeholders and society in general.
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Reports and presentations
Axactor's financial reports - interim reports, half-yearly reports, annual reports and investor presentations.

Investor relations
Axactor is a growth company driving next-generation debt management. Our leading people, systems and funding enables eff ...