General meetings

The decision-making rights of Axactor's shareholders are exercised at general meetings of shareholders.

General meetings of Axactor

The general meeting is the company’s ultimate decision-making body. All registered shareholders have the right to participate in the general meetings of the company. The Board strives to ensure that the general meeting is an effective forum for communication between shareholders and the Board.

The agenda is decided by the Board, according to the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act.

The notice calling the annual general meeting and any extraordinary general meeting are available on and this website and shall be sent to all shareholders no later than three weeks in advance of the meeting. The notice includes all the necessary information for shareholders to make an assessment of all the matters to be considered, including information regarding attendance and voting procedures.

The company’s articles of association may stipulate that the supporting documents dealing with matters to be considered at a meeting can be made available on this website rather than being sent to shareholders by post. However, shareholders are entitled to receive the documents by post upon request if they so wish.

Annual general meeting 2024

Axactor's annual general meeting was held on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.

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