22 October 2020
Axactor Germany
40th birthday: a reason to celebrate for Axactor Germany
Axactor Germany, whose predecessor company was entered in the Commercial Register in Heidelberg in 1980, has reason to celebrate on October 22.
The registered collection service provider looks back on 40 years of experience in receivables management, during which the liquidity of the customer has always been and will continue to be the focus of the trade. Due to the current situation, the company unfortunately does not celebrate with a birthday party, but all team members will receive a small gift.
As a birthday flyer shows, a lot has happened in the last 40 years. The company has grown continuously, has continuously expanded its service portfolio in the interest of its customers and has adapted it to the current situation. In doing so, today's Axactor Germany was and is a pioneer in the industry, especially in the field of automation of machining processes. Specially created processes give employees the opportunity to spend more time on individual processing in specific process steps and thus increase success rates.
Steffen Fink, Country Manager and Managing Director of Axactor Germany GmbH, takes the anniversary as an opportunity to thank his team and to look to the future: "Our team makes the difference for me, making Axactor Germany the reliable and successful partner that customers want. I am proud of this and I am looking forward to toasting our future with all colleagues today, at least in thought.
A lot is already planned for the near future, because next year Axactor Germany will move into a modern office building on the former US Army site in Heidelberg. In addition, the company is working on various projects together with the other Axactor countries to further optimize processes and the IT landscape. Enough to do to be fit for the coming years and decades.

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