
Here you can find out more about current developments of the company in Germany and throughout the group, but also on important and relevant events where you can meet us.

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09 July 2020

Axactor Germany

Axactor Germany: Rental agreement signed for new company headquarters in Heidelberg

Spendenuebergabe Kinderhospiz Sterntaler Axactor

08 July 2020

Axactor Germany

Kinderhospiz Sterntaler e. V. receives donation from employees of Axactor Germany

Finance 003

21 April 2020

Axactor Germany

Axactor reports on key figures for the 1st quarter of 2020

International 002

23 March 2020

Axactor Germany

Axactor SE - Update on Operations and Finance

International 001

11 March 2020

Axactor Germany

Axactor ends 2019 with high growth and a significant margin expansion





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Team Marketing & Kommunikation

+49 (0)6221 987 692