01 September 2020
Axactor Germany
BDEW Symposium on Receivables Management - we are on site!
On the 22nd/23rd of September 2020, the BDEW conference on receivables management will take place in Bremen. Meet our colleagues Sven Bassauer and Jürgen Sikinger and exchange ideas with them.
The current situation
Many energy suppliers are currently facing the challenge of being unable to assess the impact of the corona crisis on their customers. The possibilities of suspending advance payments, the possible postponement of insolvency applications, but also the basic financial situation of many customers is currently unclear.
What can you do? Write them?

We recommend:
Exchange ideas with us in Bremen about the possibilities of not losing touch with your customers.
Because in addition to interesting presentations, numerous network breaks are also waiting for you! We are looking forward to the contact.
For you at our booth in Bremen:
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