10 February 2023
Axactor Germany
Our Christmas donation of 1,000 euros was handed over
In 2022, we once again made a "donation instead of presents" for our customers and partners at Christmas. A decision for which we received a lot of positive feedback.

However, it was not the management board of Axactor Germany that decided on the recipient of the donation, but our team. The vote took place during the Christmas party, where all those present had to decide which of the three potential recipients their own vote belonged to.
And it was an extremely close race, which ended in favor of the children's hospice Sterntaler e. V.. The Mannheim based association Kinderhospiz Sterntaler e. V. supports children with life-shortening illnesses and their families and accompanies them on their difficult journey.
In the past, we have supported the association in various fundraising campaigns of the company. We were therefore very pleased to be able to hand over our check in person again after the forced break at Corona.
With a little delay - shortly before the "Day of Children's Hospice Work" on February 10th - the donation handover has now taken place. Mrs. Rauh (in the picture above on the left) as representative of the association informed us about the latest news of the association's work before the check was handed over by our managing director Steffen Fink (in the picture above on the right).