Debt Purchase

Why sell receivables?
Banks, financial institutions and enterprises in many other industries are struggling with the same problem: over time, an increasing amount of overdue and uncertain receivables begin to accumulate in the balance sheet and you may want to sell them off.
Axactor can purchase non-performing loan portfolios either partially or in full. We buy receivables based on a continuous forward flow arrangements or as one-off portfolios. By selling off your non-performing receivables, you free up capital and improve cash flow.
Some of these overdue receivables are still in active collection, some have already been written off as credit losses. Still, non-performing receivables and loans tie up capital that could be in a much better use.

Ostamme pankeilta ja rahoituslaitoksilta kertakauppana erääntyneitä kuluttajasaatavakantoja. Portfoliot voivat olla eri ikäisiä ja kokoisia – hinnoittelu tapahtuu laadun arvioinnin perusteella.

Forward flow
Kun perintään siirtyneet saatavat halutaan myydä viiveettä heti erääntymisen jälkeen, puhutaan jatkuvan kaupan sopimuksesta. Kaupankohde sovitaan ja hinnoitellaan laadun perusteella aina erikseen. Sopimus kestää yleensä 12 kuukautta, mutta olemassa on myös muita sopimusmalleja.

Why Axactor?
Axactor is a Nordic-based, next-generation debt management company, with operations in six European countries. We have a track record of solid growth and a strong financial position.
We are one of the largest companies purchasing NPL portfolios in Europe, investing hundreds of millions of euros annually in receivables purchases. Our comprehensive processes, modern IT infrastructure and strong financial position enable us to take over debt portfolios to our management rapidly.
Founded in 2015, we have rapidly risen to become one of the top-10 providers in Europe. In Finland, Axactor is one of the largest debt collection agencies and we help over 20,000 Finnish companies with our receivables management and debt collection services.
"Bank Norwegian has entered into an agreement with Axactor to transfer a portfolio of non-performing loans in Finland with an outstanding balance of approximately EUR 160 million. The portfolio consists of more than 16,000 overdue consumer loans and credit card debts."