News and stock notices

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Technology 005

09 February 2021, 13:07 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Oppdatering til aksjonærer vedrørende pliktig tilbud og tegningsperiode for reparasjonsemisjon

Technology 005

09 February 2021, 12:07 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Update to shareholders regarding Mandatory Offer and subscription period for the Subsequent Offering

Nordic 016

09 February 2021, 08:10 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Independent statement pursuant to section 6-16 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

Nordic 008

08 February 2021, 08:15 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Approval and publication of prospectus and commencement of subscription period in the subsequent offering

People 020

01 February 2021, 16:26 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Redemption of Axactor SE EUR 250,000,000 FRN Senior unsecured Bond Issue 2018/2021 - ISIN NO 001 0819725

Various 009

29 January 2021, 16:38 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Axactor SE - EUR 250,000,000 FRN Senior unsecured bond issue 2018/2021 - ISIN NO 001 0819725

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