News and stock notices

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Finance 002

30 October 2018, 14:59 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Axactor - meldepliktig handel

International 002

30 October 2018, 07:00 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Axactor enters the Finnish debt collection market

Nordic 026

30 October 2018, 07:00 CET

Axactor Group

Press release

Axactor secures entry to Finland with the acquisition of a large unsecured non-performing loan (NPL) portfolio from Bank Norwegian

Finance 014

30 October 2018, 07:00 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

A solid quarter with strong capex deployment and margin expansion in a seasonally slow quarter

Finance 007

28 October 2018, 20:02 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Axactor SE - Invitation to presentation of Q3 2018 results

Nordic 010

23 October 2018, 15:28 CEST

Axactor Group

Press release

Axactor acquires an unsecured NPL Portfolio in Spain

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