News and stock notices
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05 June 2018, 12:56 CEST
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Axactor adds 2 new outsourcing contracts in Spain

31 May 2018, 08:20 CEST
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Ex spleis, nytt ISIN og nytt pålydende / Ex reverse split, new ISIN and new face value 31.05.2018

30 May 2018, 12:22 CEST
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Ex spleis, nytt ISIN og nytt pålydende / Ex reverse split, new ISIN and new face value 31.05.2018

24 May 2018, 15:23 CEST
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Key information relating to the reverse share split and change of ISIN code in Axactor AB (publ)
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