News and stock notices
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23 December 2016, 07:31 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Notice to Extraordinary General Meeting 2017 of Axactor AB (publ)

21 December 2016, 11:01 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Request for extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Axactor - board election

21 December 2016, 09:02 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Request for extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Axactor - board election

21 December 2016, 09:02 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Krav om ekstraordinær generalforsamlingen i Axactor - styrevalg

15 December 2016, 08:00 CET
Axactor Group
Stock notice
Axactor acquires the 6th unsecured Non Performing Loan (NPL) portfolio in Spain
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