14 August 2017, 08:22 CEST

Axactor Group

Stock notice

Mandatory notification of trade

Geveran Trading Co. Limited ("Geveran"), a company

indirectly controlled by trusts established by Mr. John

Fredriksen for the benefit of his immediate family, has on

13 August 2017 subscribed for and been allocated 151,000,000

ordinary shares in Axactor AB (publ.) ("Axactor") in a

private placement announced by Axactor on even date hereof

(the "Share Issue"). Following completion and registration

of the Share Issue, Geveran will own 151,000,000 shares in

Axactor which will constitute 9.96% percent of the shares

and votes in Axactor (adjusted for the Share Issue).

Simultaneously with its subscription in the Share Issue,

Geveran has subscribed for 130,000,000 warrants exchangeable

into 130,000,000 ordinary shares in Axactor

(the "Warrants"). The Warrants entitles Geveran to subscribe

Axactor shares at NOK 3.25 per share from such time when

Geveran and Axactor have established a jointly owned SPV as

detailed in the announcement by Axactor earlier today and

until two years thereafter. Assuming all Warrants are

exercised, Geveran would own 281,000,000 shares in Axactor

constituting 18.53% percent of the shares and votes in

Axactor when adjusted for the Share Issue but not the

exercise of the Warrants.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements

set out in section 4-3 of the Norwegian Securities Trading
