13 November 2018, 12:27 CET

Axactor Group

Stock notice

New share issue completed

Reference is made to the stock exchange report made on 31 October 2018 regarding the acquisition of the debt collection company SPT Group Ltd, which will become the Axactor platform company in the Finnish market.

The consideration for 100 % of the shares in SPT Group is EUR 2.5 million, of which 50 % is paid in cash and 50 % settled with Axactor SE shares (issued at market price).

Today a directed share issue in an amount of 523.012 new shares in accordance with above is registered.

The Company's share capital will be increased from EUR 80,841,717.88 to EUR 81,115,474.493201, consisting of 154,971,114 shares, each with a nominal value of EUR 0.52342319, after the new share has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The subscription price amounted to EUR 2.39 per share which corresponded to the average closing price for the period October 1, to October 29, 2018, recalculated in EUR in accordance with the Swedish central banks exchange rate as of October 29, 2018.

The new share will be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office within shortly.

For additional information, please contact:

Johnny Tsolis, CFO, Axactor
Mobile phone: +47 913 35 461
Email: johnny.tsolis@axactor.com