Frequently asked questions
Below we have gathered the most frequently asked questions by our customers. If you do not find the answer to your question, you are welcome to contact our customer service.
Are you a consumer and have received a claim from us? See our FAQ for individuals here.
How do I become a customer?
Contact us and we will help you get started! If you need urgent help with your debt collection cases, you can send your cases to and we will start the collection process immediately.
What services does Axactor offer?
Axactor specializes in offering a high value debt collection chain, enable you as a customer to focus on you core business. You are one click from getting to know our services even better!
Why should I choose Axactor?
If you use Axactor´s services, you will have a safe and serious partner for your financial interests. We help your company from the time the invoice is sent, until the money is in your account. Together we find solutions you and your customer are satisfied with.
What financial systems do Axactor support?
We have turnkey integration with over 170 financial systems such as Visma, Tripletex, 24SevenOffice and Microsoft Dynamics. If we don´t support your financial system, we will quickly develop solutions for this.
Hvilke økonomisystemer støtter produktet Inkasso?
Vi har nøkkelferdig integrasjon med de aller fleste økonomisystemer. Ta kontakt med oss for en avklaring rundt ditt økonomisystem og hvilke muligheter som finnes for integrasjon.
Why Account Receivable Management?
It takes a lot of time to follow up invoices and make sure the money comes within due date. Many companies downgrade this or use unnecessary resources to get the job done. Valuable time you should rather spend on building up your business. Save time and money, and let Axactor do the job for you!
Who is Account Receivable Management suitable for?
Our invoice services are mainly suitable for all companies with credit invoices. If you are wondering if our services may be suitable for your company, please contact us and we will help you.
What is the price for Account Receivable Management?
We tailor the service to the needs of your company. Therefore we have no standard price. The price will, among other things, depend on how many invoices your company has. Contact us and we will figure this out.
Why should I outsource Account Receivable Management?
By letting Axactor take over follow-up of invoices, you frees up time that your company can spend more efficiently on your profitable tasks. Our solutions help to reduce the number of credit days, which means that your company gets increased liquidity and a healthier economy.
Why use a debt collection agency?
Good routines for invoice follow-up and debt collection make your company less exposed to financial losses. A professional partner increases the likelihood that your customer will prioritize your invoice. You achieve: better liquidity, better credit time and frees up time to run your own core business. Contact us for a specially adapted solution for your specific company.
What is debt collection?
Debt collection is a follow-up of unpaid invoices after the invoice matures. In other words, debt collection means that you collect money from customers who have not paid their bills on time.
How does debt collection works?
Following up on overdue invoice requirements can be a long and laborious process. It is very important that you do it correctly so that you do not lose the right to your outstanding. Debt collection is fresh, the sooner you get started collecting the more likely you are to deposit your money.
Who is debt collection suitable for?
Our debt collection services are suitable for both large and small companies that want help to solve their debt collection cases in a fast, professional and efficient way. We help customers with all phases of debt collection, including international debt collection.
What does it cost to use Axactor´s debt collection service?
The price and cost of a debt collection agreement depends, among other things, on the type of case and what kind of agreement you have with us. We tailor the solution that suits you best. Contact us to get an offer.
How do I send over my cases?
You can easily register overdue invoices in our customer portal InfoCenter Inkasso. You log in with the username and password you received in the activation email when you became a customer.
If you are not a customer and want help with debt collection, you can contact us and we will help you get started quickly.
What do you mean with «Craft Collection»?
Craft collection means that we have a high focus on personal and human service when handling cases. We use automation and technology where it is right, but we differ from our competitors by having case managers who manually process each individual case. This ensures the right measures against the right customer at the right time. The result in a professional process with a high degree of solution that takes care of all parties. We always strive to achieve as early solution as possible.
What is Debt Purchase?
Debt purchase means that we buy all or part of your overdue loan portfolio. Read more about debt purchase here.
What kind of portfolios does Axactor Capital buy?
Axactor Capital buys portfolios of non-performing loans and consumer credits.
How do I gain insight into our cases?
For invoice follow-up, you will find all information about your cases in Axactor Office. Axactor Office is fully integrated with your financial system. Here you get full control over open records, status, daily reminder lists and an overview of all outstanding invoices.
For debt collection cases, you can follow your cases at InfoCenter. Here you will find an overview of all the debt collection requirements for their company. You can easily find information about each case, see what is happening there or contact us. Here are your settlement lists and you can take out simple reports.
How do I know you are taking good care of my customers?
You can be sure that your customers will be well taken care of by us. We focus on good customer dialogue and finding good solutions that safeguard both you and your customers' interests. Your reputation is important to us!

Do you still have questions? Please contact us.