Debt Collection
Do you have customers who do not pay? Axactor has one of Norway's best debt collection departments and long experience of debt collection. We find solutions that your customers are happy with so that you get your money as quickly as possible while maintaining your good customer relationship. By letting us take care of your debt collection cases, you can reduce your credit losses and improve your liquidity.

Why debt collection?
Sometimes the customer cannot pay before the due date. Debt collection is about following up on these unpaid invoices and finding good solutions that take care of both parties. Debt collection increases the probability that the customer pays your company's invoice and that you receive the money faster.
Axactor is an innovative company with one of Norway´s best debt collection departments with over 30 years of experience. We work every day to help hard-working companies get paid. Our goal is to be at the forefront of development and we are not afraid to use smart systems and digital tools to offer an optimal collection process.

Why Axactor?
Axactor helps you in all phases of debt collection; from an early stage to a possible legal process and long-term monitoring. We also offer international debt collection. A collaboration with Axactor gives your debt collection cases a higher priority and you get a permanent team of caseworkers who know you and your customers. Our goal is to enter into an early dialogue to achieve the fastest possible solution, while maintaining the good customer dialogue. Our processes ensure that you get your money faster and achieves better liquidity. We offer tailored processes to your various customer segments, routines and needs.
Axactor's philosophy is that debt collection is about people and trust because payment problems can often be problematic in many ways. We believe that the key to success lies in achieving an early personal dialogue, both with our customers and the customer's customers. We must be available and proactive so that we can resolve your issues quickly and efficiently.
This is what we call Craft Collection.

Vi tar vare på kundene dine!
Vi vet hvor viktige kunden dine er for deg. Derfor gjør vi vårt ytterste for å skape og opprettholde en god relasjon med debitor. Vi opptrer profesjonelt, medmenneskelig og legger til rette for å skape gode og oppnåelige løsninger. Dine kunder vil alltid bli mottatt og tatt hånd om på en god måte!
Vi er tilgjengelige og kan enkelt nås, enten på telefon, e-post eller chat. Vår skyldnerportal Mitt Axactor er alltid åpen. Her kan debitor logge inn og få full oversikt over sin sak, utføre betaling eller opprette betalingsplan.
"The partnership with Axactor has already given visible, positive results on Nespresso’s KPIs: Days of Sales Outstanding (DSO) has been reduced, resulting in improved cash flow and a clear positive impact on Nespresso’s finances. At the same time, we saves time and money".
Kai Christoph Schmellenkamp, Accounting Manager, Nespresso Nordics
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