Erlend Sønju
Collection Advisor - Front Office
What role do you have at Axactor and what does that role entail?
My name is Erlend Sønju and I work as a case manager in the debt collection department at Axactor. As a case manager in the debt collection department, I have daily contact with debtors and our customers and work to find the best possible solution for both parties. The most rewarding thing about my role is helping hardworking companies and financial institutions get paid.
Describe an ordinary day at work!
A normal day for me consists mainly of answering inquiries by phone and e-mail from both debtors and our customers. I actively follow up that debtors maintain their payment agreements and installment schemes. In addition to this, I call debtors at set times to come to a solution that is beneficial for both parties.
Why should one choose to work at Axactor?
The best thing about working at Axactor is all the good people and the good working environment. There are also good opportunities to develop professionally in Axactor and that we can contribute to the company's development to a great extent. Another thing is the good cohesion and cooperation that we have in Axactor, across the departments.
Another important factor is the good social working environment that makes it easy to thrive socially at Axactor.